
our 2024 training is full.

join the waitlist to enroll in 2025.

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march 2025


"All the codes we need to live a vibrant, connected, aligned existence
are inside our DNA.

If we want quantum results,
we can't get there inside the binary of modern healing.

We must stop trying change and diagnose the body
and learn as whole to respect the body in its innate wisdom.

When we give the Three Powers ™ back to the client,
the potential that has always been activates naturally & euphorically.

Medicine Somatics ™ leads the body-based revolution as we deeply trust the crazy, messy, dark, light, painful, blissful ride of the humxn experience. 

We learn to revere polarity, make peace with paradox and use the tools to turn all of life into art & ecstasy."

maya night /
founder of medicine somatics ™

beloved by


global community



trained facilitators

body innovators

Medicine Work is an ancient practice of up-leveling through a wild, unscripted journey of deep listening.

Instead of looking to “manifest” or “gain a result”, the client moves through a non-linear process that allows the moment to effortlessly deliver breath-taking awareness.

Medicine Work counters most modern trauma-informed approaches which prioritize binary views & right/wrong embodiment.

The Medicine Realm embraces all possibilities to create never-been-done-before solutions.

The process is highly mystical and highly effective in shifting clients.

After 10 years of journeying & facilitating plant medicine, Maya found something even more, wild, edgy, potent & effective
without any added substances.

Medicine Somatics ™ is body led experience that elicits a natural psychedelic state where anything is possible.

The facilitation blends movement x energy healing x trauma integration x psychodrama.

We untrain morality.

We fuck up the neat tidy BS of NVS regulation, so you can actually support the needs of the body.

We go beyond boring body-scans & basic mindfulness work - so that your tools are absolutely next-level.

Medicine Somatics ™ sharpens your sword so that you can unlock allllll the hidden codes.

Our facilitators hold a radical space.

We use the X-ray Body Method to see beyond story & subconscious to unlock potential.

With Priestess Precision, we deliver life-changing moments & curate the SoulCrack.

We have Warrior Stamina and hang in there when shit hits the fan gaining the trust & respect of our clients.

Medicine Somatics ™ is the future edge of modern healing.

Get onboard & lead the body-based revolution.

what is medicine somatics™?

we guide established coaches
to crave-worthy body depth & mastery

join the waitlist






Raw Body Art Therapy x Next-level Nervous System Work x Non-Dual Tantra x Shamanism coalesce as an innovative modality of somatic liberation.

This isn't a fusion modality, these are some things that you will learn...
  • An Epic Circular Curriculum for Advanced Guides
  • How To Get Your Clients Soul-Cracking
  • Powerfully Cueing 1:1 & Group Movement Leadership
  • Guide Transformational Groups That Have Your Clients Telling All Their Friends
  • Playing In The Medicine Realms Like A Baddie
  • Masterfully Facilitating Altered States & Powerful Personal Impact
  • Optimize Your Clients Humxn Character touching Money, Business, Sex, Marketing, Brand, Style, Expression & Beyond 
  • Our Signature Personal Mythos Process™
  • How To Create Your Own Modality 
  • Embodied Marketing Book Out Your Experiences

a Cutting Edge technology FOR
modern medicine womxn


join the waitlist



priestess of 
depth somatics

Cultivate the skill to draw out covert, nuanced subconscious systems & redesign embodied belief for quantum reality creation.

a powerful


a hands-on

trauma guide

Hold anything that comes up with mystery & clarity. Revel in the mess with your clients from a whole & resourced perspective. Touch the body & create the SoulCrack.


a masterful


Craft potent, precise & enchanting group movement ceremonies online & in-person, using sound, voice, body & relational dynamics.

i once didn't know how to feel

After decades of depression & addiction, a nearly fatal drunk driving accident almost took my life, I decided to live.

I fell in love with movement & started my online business from my campervan. I studied with the grandmothers of somatics, taught this work all over the work. I created a 7-figure brand x became an ecstatic mama of two.

I now teach people to feel naturally alive & lead a global community of 14k humxns.



this training is revolutionary 

join the waitlist

I know what it's like to be stuck behind a screen craving in-person work & I will be down in the dirt with you all the way, holding your body & supporting you to access your divine potential on every dimension.

The codes for embodied business, life, money, sex & powerful client work are already inside of you.

Let me journey with you & prepare to see it manifest beyond your wildest dreams.

"This is the number one training to be inside of."

Sheina Raskin / Somatics & Success Mentor

"Go do the training. Trust yourself. And experience the awe of unfolding magick that is your body."

Yunzhe Zhou / Business Coach

"This training was a 9 month initiation. I refined my facilitator and mentorship skills and hosted deep containers. I got into a committed love relationship with the man of my dreams. 

This is in the concrete results but nothing compared to how yummy was the subtle awakenings that happened over and over again…! 

The experience in Costa Rica was one of the most profound I had the chance to live.

I would truly recommend anyone who considers working with Maya to go for it!  I committed to her in a moment in which it made no financial sense... and I've never regretted the investment. 

Julie Guerard / Embodiment Coach & Business Mentor

"If your soul decides expansion & evolution -
Step In To It."

Lia Caraman / Embodied Devotion

download our free practice
 & join 1300+ students


the method


the most alive, comprehensive
body system available

We blend the following worlds 

🜃  Shamanic & Elemental Wisdom 

🜄 Dance & Creative Arts Therapy

🜁 Nervous System & Trauma Techniques

🜂 Non-Dual Tantrik Philosophy

our curriculum


The Layers of Embodiment
The Art of Descension
Consent Rediscovered
 Character Creation
Voice & Dance Dialogue

Embodied Emotions
Emotional Alchemy Process
Experiential Anatomy
Polarity Practice PartsWork

Systems Of The Body
Nervous System Technique
Embodied Breathwork
Body Sharing


Systems Of The Body
Nervous System Technique
Embodied Breathwork
Body Sharing

Embodied Emotions
Emotional Alchemy Process
Experiential Anatomy
Polarity Practice PartsWork

The Layers of Embodiment
The Art of Descension
Consent Rediscovered
 Character Creation
Voice & Dance Dialogue



Somatic Tracking & Coaching Intro
Beyond Hierarchy
Embodied Social Justice
Nonverbal Knowing

Wild Psychology
Trauma Reprocessing
Elemental BodyWork
Dancing The Ancestors
Unified Spaceholding

Business Retreat
Somatic Storytelling

Somatic Tracking & Coaching
Beyond Hierarchy
Embodied Social Justice
Nonverbal Knowing

Wild Psychology
Trauma Reprocessing
Elemental BodyWork
Dancing The Ancestors
Unified Spaceholding

Business Retreat
Somatic Storytelling



This is a deep dive medicine week in the glorious, lush jungle of Costa Rica's Caribbean side. Come prepared to do the deepest work of your life & facilitate it as well.


Movement & Ceremony
Group Journeying
Psychedelic States

Expanded Art
Vocal Technique
Improvisation & Psychodrama

Practicum Process
Individual Teaching
Final Project
Facilitation Review

Movement & Ceremony
Group Journeying
Psychedelic States

Expanded Art
Vocal Technique
Improvisation & Psychodrama

Practicum Process
Individual Teaching
Final Project
Facilitation Review



Receive personalized coaching from Maya in a beautiful process - A complete rebirth for your embodied business.

+ all-access content vault


In our final month together, you will be responsible for 10 practicum hours & a final project which will be presented within our cohort.



September 22-29, 2025

The dense jungle is perfect for medicine work.

You will fly in to San Jose & drive to our location.



March 10-14
April 2 & 16
May 7 & 21
June 4 & 18
July 2 & 16
August 7 & 21
September 3 & 17
October 1 & 15
November 5 & 19
December 3 & 17
January 7 & 21
January 8 & 22


Dates are subject to change.

Dates are subject to change.


of go-at-your-own-pace learning

for Live Practice & Drilling

+ All-access to Maya's course vault

7-Days / All-Inclusive

We review your sessions for Certification

join the waitlist

you ask

what makes us different?


Everything is immersive in-practice, we share the lesson precisely, no more 2-hour boring classes, & take it straight into practice. The equivalent of a masters degree, if you never had to sit in a chair.


You are teaching/holding from day 1, nothing is “basic”. You’ll learn a framework/new skill & immediately turn around to use it.


Most “trainings” out there, just teach you the process. You do the practices over and over again, but you’re not actually facilitating getting feedback on how you teach/hold. Get customized feedback daily to refine your somatic skill set.


join the waitlist

"This was the catalyst for my journey of landing in self-trust and liberation...

This is the only container I have been in that felt like my way was truly honored."

Annette Maria / Somatic Soul Guide & Founder of Sanctuary Publishing

"Medicine Somatics teaches us out of our morality - teaches us out of wrong and right, bad and good

Step into who we are as facilitators."

Elana-Karen / Embodiment Coach & Somatic Educator

"I felt so drawn to Medicine Somatics because it is body based...even after that first practice I felt a massive shift in my body & my connection with my body.

Since integrating the practices in to my life & business,

I have had the most financially successful year of my business AND it was the year I worked the least."

Monica Justesen / Somatic Educator


1. I agree to self-regulate & care for my system. I agree to be authentic and present. I agree to take 100% responsibility for my experience.

2. I agree to maintain confidentiality.  This means not disclosing any individual’s identities, stories, and experiences.  I am free to speak about my own experience in the training.

3. I agree to show up at the agreed-upon time if I am available, even if I am tired, not feeling well, or just need a break from circle. I will at a minimum stay in the group even if resting in a corner. I will watch all replays.

4. I will show up for all aspects of the training, even if that means sitting out to take care of myself. I will not leave this container until I have spoken with a faculty member.

5. I agree to request support using clear and direct requests to communicate. 

6. I understand this training is also intended to be a powerful personal journey & I agree to use the Tools to process. 

7. I will allow others to have their own experience & I will not intervene with 
touch, tissues, hugs or advice, unless it has been asked of me.

8. I understand that anything that happens during this training is part of the 

9. I agree to be coachable. I am open to feedback from facilitators.

10. I agree to honor my healthy boundaries and respect the boundaries others express. I agree to refrain from any type of physical violence.
11. I agree to ask people if they want feedback before I give it to them and at a time that is suitable for both of us.

12. I agree to refrain from drugs and alcohol in our calls & immersions. If I am taking mood- altering prescription medication, I will let the Lead facilitator know.

13. I understand that this training explores all aspects of the human experience, 
including sexuality. If, at any point, I feel unsafe - I will let a facilitator know.


1. I agree to self-regulate & care for my system. I agree to be authentic and present. I agree to take 100% responsibility for my experience.

2. I agree to maintain confidentiality. This means not disclosing any individual’s identities, stories, and experiences. I am free to speak about my own experience in the training.

3. I agree to show up at the agreed upon time if I am available, even if I am tired, not feeling well, or just need a break from circle. I will at a minimum stay in the group even if resting in a corner. I will watch all replays.

3. I will show up for all aspects of the training even if that means sitting out to take care of myself. I will not leave this container until I have spoken with a faculty member.

4. I agree to request support using clear and direct requests to communicate. 

5. I understand this training is also intended to be a powerful personal journey & I agree to use the Tools to process. 

6. I will allow others to have their own experience & I will not intervene with 
touch, tissues, hugs or advice, unless it has been asked of me.

7. I understand that anything that happens during this training is part of the 

8. I agree to be coachable. I am open to feedback from facilitators.

9. I agree to honor my healthy boundaries and respect the boundaries others express. I agree to refrain from any type of physical violence.
10. I agree to ask people if they want feedback before I give it to them, and at a time that is suitable for both of us.

11. I agree to refrain from drugs and alcohol our calls & immersions. If I am taking mood altering prescription medication I will let the Lead facilitator know.

12. I understand that this training explores all aspects of the human experience 
including sexuality. If it any point, I feel unsafe, I will let a facilitator know.

13. If at any time I feel that the training is not appropriate for me or I wish to leave the training, I agree to bring my concerns directly to the course facilitators.

the work you've always dreamed of

live into

the medicine somatics effect

your business


the wow


intimacy & magnetism

Dazzle your clients every single session with what the fuck session work in-person & online 

So many moments of
“I’ve never felt this way before”

Blast thru all your blocks around marketing/sales using our Embodied Business Practices

100% of our clients have their biggest financial months with us

Get ready to be paid premium for having more fun & doing so much less. Our facilitators charge 300 USD - 15k for session work.

Nothing is a barrier to your bliss, feel ALL of it & use the tools to ride the wild edge with your beloveds - sex, parenting, dating, loving - you can always find the crack & evolve together

Go to the places & desires you’ve always craved of & watch your life turn into a lucid, engaging ride

Speak your truth & radiate ease

Be celebrated & recognized for your mastery

begins march 2025